Let’s just start with the fact that I’m 35 years old (whelp). The good news is that thanks to my current skin care routine, my skin has never been in better condition! If you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you know how obsessed with skin; I’ve tried it all, like different types of lasers (from the lighter variety, to the deep, ablative ones, ouch), and yes, I’ve even done Botox, and get that in my brows/forehead on the regular. For maintenance sake, I am a big advocate of medi facials with peels (hello, 30% Glycolic Acid!), and I’ve even recently started up Microneedling with Glow Dermal Therapy (more on this coming up on Glitter Guide SOON!).
There are so so so many skin care options out there and it’s BIG business. Seriously, it’s so freaking confusing, isn’t it? Look back on my posts about acids, vitamin c (this one, too), and my last post on my skin care routine to get a feel for what works, and why they work. I believe that your skin’s needs change often; what used to work, may not be as effective as we age, so I do switch up my products when I notice that I’m not getting the results I used to. I like to keep my core skin care routine simple, and add on extras when needed, but this is what I’m getting the best results with right now! Oh, and I also wanted to mention my fave tool to tie my hair back the moment I walk in the door, yes, that’s a scrunchie!
Biologique Recherche Lotion P50: It’s a cult fave, and I totally get the hype! I’ll be the first to say that I’ve always thought a toner was the least important step in a routine, and looky looky, this one is a toner, but SO much more than just that. It’s a magic potion that hydrates, exfoliates, and opens my skin for further product application. I notice when I do not use this product. It’s taken away breakout cycles, gotten rid of blocked pores (that annoying bumpy texture!) and balanced my skin. It’s pricy, but you only need a little – I make the most out of it by forgoing a cotton pad (why let my cotton pad suck up all the precious product?!) and just apply with my hands. Use it at night after cleansing, and before moisture.
Lancer The Method Polish: Let me tell it to you straight that I would never recommend spending almost $100 on a manual exfoliator unless it was the absolute best. And this stuff is IT. A tube lasts for ages, and the granules are super fine and really packed together to really do some serious scrubbing – yet, it’s still gentle! Nordstrom sent me some when they opened their Vancouver store almost two years ago, and I have been buying refills ever since! I’m all about acid exfoliation, but I also like a really good scrub once in awhile, and so I leave this in the shower to use about two times a week.
Vintner’s Daughter Active Botanical Serum: I’ve been using this for over a year, and I know it has literally changed my skin. It’s full of active botanicals and skin healing properties that keep my skin balanced, breakout free and looking SO healthy. It’s an investment, but don’t get sticker shock because you will get every penny you spend out of this bottle. This is ALL I use to moisturize my skin, and I use it at night, and sometimes during the day if I’m going makeup free.
So, to recap, Microneedling, a gentle cleanser, exfoliation in all forms, and some moisturizing skin nutrients. Add ins can be vitamin C, and if you need it, a deeper moisturizer.