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real life: instagram and common sense

May 17, 2015

it’s kind of blowing my mind. this world we have created for ourselves. the world of instagram. i had a great chat with a friend of mine last week and it’s been really getting me thinking. let’s get right into it: seriously, how many times have we met someone in real life who is completely different from their instagram profile? i know we all are a little more comfortable behind a screen, but it’s been my experience that quite often, the person you meet, is a strange alter ego. in my blogging life, personal life, and business life (honestly, these three things are very much one), i’m out working, networking and connecting – it’s very social. the deeper of an importance we all put on ‘the numbers’, the more shallow these interactions can get. integrity at times, is bypassed by the number of followers one has. somewhere along the line, the ability to truly connect and to be kind, has left the building. to me, this goes further than the ‘perfect’ life we all portray on instagram, and into the fact that more followers don’t mean a bigger worth. let that sit for a second.

when was the last time you were vulnerable? you listened? were empathetic? how about curious? were kind without expectation? i worry that this digital world has taken some of that away, and left us very self involved and self interested.

while i do try to see the best in people, i’m finding it more difficult to ignore the fact that common courtesy isn’t a big part of the equation anymore. it’s become the norm to check our phones during a face to face chat, to flake and to be overly self involved (it’s always refreshing to have a two sided convo, isn’t it?). i can see the problem, but do i have a solution? i wish i did. unfortunately (and fortunately), we are all only accountable for our own behaviours. nothing beats a warm conversation with a friend, a laugh, and a day of being disconnected. it’s not only good for the psyche, but for soul. i’m totally writing from the heart here, without a well thought out message in mind, and would love to hear what you have to say. feel free to vent in the comments below, friends!

p.s: i’ve gotten into snapchat and am documenting life’s BTS not-so-perfect and pretty personal moments there, so come find me: erincsousa
