It’s finally here… my Media Kit Template for bloggers, influencers and businesses is LIVE! When I rebranded and took this website live, I had a vision to create resources for all of YOU! I’ve been working on this for way longer than I want to admit and the day is finally HERE.
I knew I wanted my first marketing resource to be one that would empower women to take their finances into their own hands and craft a career in this field… a Media Kit is a key tool to do just that! This Media Kit Template should absolutely pay for itself with your first sponsorship content deal. You got this!
So, what is a Media Kit? It’s a visual information document that lays out who you are, what you do, and what you can bring to the table for paid partnerships, collaborations and sponsorships with brands. This Media Kit is the exact one I use when I receive inquiries from brands who are interested in working with me and when I pitch myself… it’s done me well in securing paid sponsorships with many top brands including TELUS, SO Delicious, Montellier and others.
Why do you need one? You are running a business, and it’s time to start treating it like one! I’ve seen a LOT of media kits and the majority, if not almost all, are missing the key metrics that contain key numbers to secure paid partnerships. Brands get pitched ALL the time, so a slick and beautifully branded Media Kit that contains all those really key numbers will get you noticed at a glance. You might notice a rate card is not included in this Media Kit. This was intentional and I believe every partnership should be tailored to the campaign and the brands, so it’s not a one size fits all approach for the fee.
Who is my media kit template for? If you’re a new or seasoned blogger, influencer, content creator or a business who is looking to partner with other businesses… this media kit will clearly showcase what you can bring to the table. It’s a beautifully, and strategically designed 2-page Canva template (Canva is a free web-based program) that will allow you to edit the colours, fonts, and place your own bio, numbers, images to represent exactly who you are. This Media Kit can also be edited it you’re a business who wants to partner with other businesses on activations, collabs etc., because at the end of the day, social numbers matter and potential partners want to see how you can help them achieve their own goals.
Just starting out? This Media Kit Template is definitely for you. While you may feel like your numbers aren’t where you would like them, often brands aren’t basing their decisions solely on ‘large’ numbers, but also the style of content you create. If you’re just starting out, you can still pull key numbers, all of which are laid out on my Media Kit Template, and your visuals to really showcase what you can do for a brand.
Seasoned blogger, influencer or content creator? It’s time for a refresh. Looking at your numbers with fresh eyes will really kick your game into high gear and this Media Kit Template contains all the cutting edge info brands want to see in 2020… it’s not about how many followers we have anymore, but other key metrics that tell the story about the influence that really makes you stand out.
Overwhelmed about customizing the Media Kit Template? Oh, don’t even worry about it! I have mapped out exactly how to do it for you with very clear cut instructions, PLUS a video to walk you through exactly how to get it done. The platform you’ll be using is Canva and it’s FREE and super intuitive.
I can’t wait to see what you do with the Media Kit Template! Make sure to share yours with me, and of course, fill me in on your new partnerships!