We are much overdue for a catch up, yes?! I’ve been writing a weekly newsletter for close to a year that goes out every Friday and starting now, I’m going to alternate every Friday between a blog post and a newsletter! If you’re not signed up to my newsletter, you can do that right here! […]
We are much overdue for a catch up, yes?! I’ve been writing a weekly newsletter for close to a year that goes out every Friday and starting now, I’m going to alternate every Friday between a blog post and a newsletter! If you’re not signed up to my newsletter, you can do that right here! […]
It’s been one year with Lola and running a business at the same time… plus COVID. I thought it would be a good idea to finally talk about how it all has worked for us. The thoughts have been swirling in my mind about this for some time, and if I’m totally honest, I’ve held […]
The biggest learning curve for me with a child has been the constant changes… just when you get used to something, it changes! This also applies to clothes – they grow out of everything in two seconds and I can never seen to keep up! I approach Lola’s wardrobe the same way I approach mine […]
Lola is almost a year old, and it’s about time I create a more exhaustive list of our essentials… especially now that we’re settled in to this parenting thing a little more! People will tell you that you don’t need a lot when you have a baby. You don’t NEED a lot, that’s right, but […]
Traveling with a baby is something I’ve always wished for, and lemme tell ya, it’s happening a lot later in Lola’s life than I expected! Because of the pandemic, we’ve obviously not been able to travel. While I always like to focus on what we do have rather than what we don’t, but I won’t […]
Influencer or brand? You’ll want to read this. Paying attention to key Instagram stats and understanding them is an important tool in assessing how your content is performing. These stats can help you decide how to bend and mould your content to bring value to your audience, creating momentum in the algorithm. Not every piece […]
I thought it would be fun to share some of my fave gifts in one place at all price points for honestly everyone on your list! These are all things I love and use, have gifted in the past OR things on my personal list this year. Actually, I think the only thing I don’t […]
Something that always worried me about having a baby was SLEEP! Getting sleep for ourselves, getting baby to sleep… we aren’t spring chickens over here and so we can’t live on just a few hours. Before we get started, I just want to say that I know this can feel HARD… but man, it goes […]
Lola has been with us for a month and we’re starting to get into the rhythm of being new parents and a few things have made it a lot easier for us. I thought it might be fun to share some of the items we have loved and probably couldn’t live without. When I was […]
I’m so excited to share our birth story with you! Our Lourdes “Lola” Carol Sousa arrived on July 12th, 2020 at 1:36pm weighing 7lbs 4oz and we are obviously just so so in love. I can’t believe she is already almost a month old… and that this is how long it’s taken me to share […]
Something I value and never take for granted is our health care system in Canada. Especially going through a time where I’ve relied on that system more than average during our fertility journey… I’ve silently often taken a moment of gratitude that my health was so well cared for. I couldn’t imagine not having the […]